About Us


King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust, hereinafter referred to as the (“Trust”), with the Trust having the Global Immunity from criminal and/or civil liabilities and/or penalties is the Successor Trustee and the New Administrator of the Treasury Assets of the People of the Philippine Islands, Global Debt Facility of the Combined Global Collateral Trust Accounts and the Sole Successor of the Code of K.O.R.A.N. previously administered by His Excellency Ferdinand Edralin Marcos using the code of Tiburcio Villamor Marcos or code of TVM-LSM-666 or code of C3-AM-01, or diffuse code name of AAA-777 or code of  H.M. Anthony Santiago Martin, or code A.S.B.L.P, by virtue of the Natural Law – Imminent Law – and Supernatural Law of Sovereign Will of Succession from the Source of Origin – OMNIPOTENT CREATION, pursuant to the United Nations Bilateral Mines Field Breakthrough Successor Agreement signed and sealed by the Allied Powers on 11 August 1950, Fifty years Trust Deposit Agreement with Allied Nations, 1972 Treaty of Versailles, 1980 Global Agreements, 1982 Trilateral Commission of Global Funders, 1985 & 1988 Last Will and Testament of H.E. Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, 1989 Final Compromise Agreement and in line with the Treaty of Paris, Treaty of Agreement, Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, protected under International Banking Law of Bailment Section 7, 10, & 11, including the Trilateral Act 61 and Embargo Act of 1807.

To efficiently manage the assets and/or accounts of the Trust deposited in World King Solomon Trust shall appoint 482,724 Trustees that will be composed of: (a) 336,000 Trustees for the People of the Philippine Islands, (b) 56,000 Trustees for the People of the World, (c) 19,493 Trustees for all Central Banks of 193 Nations, (d) 71,211 Trustees for all Commercial Banks worldwide.


The King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust as the Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777 is the largest Global Funder with Trust Accounts/Assets deposited in World Bank, ADB, AFDB, IMF, BIS and other Multilateral Institutions, Central Banks of each of 193 member Countries of the United Nations and 10,173 Commercial Banks worldwide.


King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust, being the Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777 is the largest Trust Depositor of the world worth 500 Dodecallion back-up by 1,900,617,000 Metric Tons of Gold Assets of Code TVM-LSM-666 documented in the Treaty of Versailles dated 19 March 1972.


King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust, being the Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777 is the largest Gold Holder with 1,900,617,000 Metric Tons of Gold from the Secret Bunkers/Depository within the Mountains and Deep Seas of the Philippine Islands intended 70% for the People of the Philippine Islands and 30% for People of the World.


In a world where wealth and power are in the hands of a few, the “King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust” is a beacon of hope. It is a powerful Institution that safeguards the world’s treasures, particularly tons of gold, diamonds, and cash deposits with the aim of returning them to the people, especially the most vulnerable and in need.

Imagine a time of chaos and injustice, where assets are guarded only by the wealthy and powerful. Amidst all this, the King Solomon Trust was established, bringing hope to tribes an nations that have long suffered under the weight of injustice and poverty.

This Trust, with roots deeply embedded in history and treaties signed by powerful nations, aims to breathe new life into development projects and initiatives that address poverty. With every effort, the Trust demonstrates a commitment that the wealth of the world should be shared by all, not just a few.

However, with every success, there are challenges. The people behind the Trust recognize the weight of their responsibility, the dreams of every child yearning for a better future, and every family hoping for unity and comfort. With hope and dreams for a brighter future for everyone.

With every decision, action and promise, the “King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust” is not just an institution; it is a symbol of hope and change, a promise to the people that they are not alone in their struggle. They are part of a greater purpose, a purpose that will bring justice, prosperity, and peace to the world.

Imagine that as you read this, you feel the weight of responsibility and the hope in the hearts of the people behind the Trust. Their eyes are filled with tears, but also with determination and courage to change world for the better.

Treaty of Versailles
Source of Authority

King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust is the Successor Trustee and now the General Global Holder of:

(a) Financial Provenances, (b) Land Provenances and (c) Miscellaneous Authority Provenances, as specified in the “Final” Compromise Agreement executed by and between Ferdinand Edralin Marcos which represented to as First Party and HM, Queen Elizabeth Windsor II which represent as Second Party, countersigned by Pres. Ronald Reagan of the United States of America as Third Party, countersigned by Pres. Barber B. Conable Jr. of the World Bank Group as Fourth Party, and countersigned by Sec. Gen. Javier Perez De Cuellar of the United Nation Organization, as Fifth Party, on December 20, 1988 at the Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain, hereinafter referred to as the (“1988 Final Compromise Agreement”) . Please click link below to see the Reconstituted version and Original Version of the Final Compromise Agreement:



The King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust provides global funding for all Multilateral Financial Institutions, Central Banks, International Banks, Local Banks and Financial Institutions of all Sovereign Nations, Tribes and Tribal Cooperatives.


King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust holds the authority to deposit in trust proceeds of Currency printing back-up by Gold Bullion assets of the Trust and utilize the same for Sovereign Loans to less Develop Nations to provide sustainable livelihood and micro-financing programs to alleviate poverty


King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust holds the authority to Monetize and Demonetize any International or Local Currencies and Engrave or Unengrave printing Monetary Currencies worldwide back-up by Gold Bullion assets of the Trust to be used to finance Infrastructure Development Projects


King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust holds the authority to implement various direct financing schemes for agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, livelihood programs, food production, micro manufacturing industries, small traders, cooperatives, companies and people’s organizations for all tribes in the Philippine Islands and the world


(a) STEP 1 – Multilateral Institutions or any of the 10,173 Commercial Banks worldwide is required to send Letter of Request for Funding (LORF) address to the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777, indicating the: (1) Notional amount of the funding required, (2) Customer Information Sheet (CIS) of the Project Proponent/s indicating the Bank Account Details, (3) Project Feasibility with its corresponding justifications indicating a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of the Project, (If the Project has a negative NPV but has a positive social, economic and environmental impact to the people, the Trust will provide Viability Gap Funding and/or Guarantee), (4) Profile of the Project Beneficiary (if the Proposed Project is intended for poverty alleviation with positive social and economy impact to the beneficiary, the Project is funded even if it has negative NPV);

(b) STEP 2 – King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust or the (“Trust”) will evaluate the LORF and if found viable or justifiable, the Trust will notify the
Multilateral Institutions or any of the 10,173 Commercial Banks worldwide via the Trust Decree approving the Project with the said Trust Decree will be publish in this website;

(c) STEP 3 – The Trust will issue International Commercial Draft (ICD) and/or any Security Instruments indicating the Notional Amount of the Financing Package under the name of the Multilateral Institution or any of the 10,173 Commercial Banks worldwide;

(d) STEP 4 – The Multilateral Institution is required to deposit the ICD and/or any Security Instruments to the United States Treasury (UST);

(e) STEP 5 – The United States Treasury is required to issue a US Treasury Bond (USTB) equivalent to the Notional Amount of the ICD and/or Any Commercial/Negotiable Instrument (Security Instrument). The ICD and/or any Security Instruments shall be held in the UST Treasury as Trust Deposit that will earn Four Percent (4%) per annum provided that:

(e.1) Ten Percent (10%) of accumulated interest income shall be the share of the US Treasury;

(e.2) Ten Percent 10% of the accumulated interest income shall be automatically remitted to the Bank Account of the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM- 666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777; 

(e.3) Ten Percent (10%) of accumulated interest income shall be the share of the Servicing Commercial Bank;

(e.4) Seventy Percent (70%) of the accumulated interest income shall be automatically remitted to the Bank Account of the Trust.

(f) STEP 6 – The United States Treasury is required to deposit the USTB in any Servicing Commercial Bank with strict instructions to credit cash and/or electronic money of the following:

(f.1) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the US Treasury as Fees to the US Treasury;

(f.2) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Servicing Commercial Bank for trading/monetizing the USTB;

(f.3) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777;

(f.4) Seventy Percent (70%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Multilateral Institution or any of the 10,173 Commercial Banks worldwide for disbursement for the Project.

(g) STEP 7 – The designated Trust Global Marshall Service shall monitor and manage the project implementation together with the Multilateral Institution
or any of the 10,173 Commercial Banks worldwide until the project completion.

(h) STEP 8 – The Central Bank shall disburse the said equivalent local currency equivalent to the 70% value of the ICD and/or any Security Instruments to the Servicing Commercial Bank of the Government for disbursement to the Government Project; and

(i) STEP 9 – The designated Trust Global Marshall Service shall monitor and manage the project implementation together with the respective Government Agency assigned until the project completion.


(a) STEP 1 – Central Bank is required to send Letter of Request for Funding (LORF) address to the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01, indicating the: (1) Notional amount of the funding required, (2) Customer Information Sheet (CIS) of the Central Bank indicating the Bank Account Details, (3) Project Feasibility of the Government Project with its corresponding justifications indicating a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of the Project, (If the Project has a negative NPV but has a positive social, economic and environmental impact to the people, the Trust will provide Viability Gap Funding and/or Guarantee), (4) Profile of the Project Beneficiary (if the Proposed Project is intended for poverty alleviation with positive social and economy impact to the beneficiary, the Project is funded even if it has negative NPV);

(b) STEP 2 – King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust or the (“Trust”) will evaluate the LORF and if found viable or justifiable, the Trust will notify the Central Bank via the Trust Decree approving the Project with the said Trust Decree will be publish in this website;

(c) STEP 3 – The Trust will issue International Commercial Draft (ICD) and/or any Security Instruments indicating the Notional Amount of the Financing Package under the name of the Central Bank;

(d) STEP 4 – The Central Bank is required to deposit the ICD and/or any Security Instruments to the United States Treasury (UST);

(e) STEP 5 – The United States Treasury is required to issue a US Treasury Bond (USTB) equivalent to the Notional Amount of the ICD and/or any Security Instruments which shall be chargeable, offset and debited from the Trust assets/funds of the Umbrella Code of the World, Asset Access Reserve “Security Code 5020” / AO-777. The ICD and/or any Security Instruments shall be held in the UST Treasury as Trust Deposit that will earn Four Percent (4%) per annum provided that:

     (e.1) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the US Treasury as Fees to the US Treasury;

     (e.2) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Servicing Commercial Bank for trading/monetizing the USTB;

     (e.3) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777;

     (e.4) Seventy Percent (70%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Central Bank.

(f) STEP 6 – The United States Treasury is required to deposit the USTB in any Servicing Commercial Bank with strict instructions to credit cash and/or electronic money of the following:

(f.1) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the US Treasury as Fees to the US Treasury;

(f.2) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Servicing Commercial Bank for trading/monetizing the USTB;

(f.3) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777;

(f.4) Seventy Percent (70%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Multilateral Institution or any of the 10,173 Commercial Banks worldwide for disbursement for the Project.

(g) STEP 7 – The Central Bank shall disburse the said equivalent local currency equivalent to the 70% value of the ICD and/or any Security Instruments to the Servicing Commercial Bank of the Government for disbursement to the Government Project; and

(h) STEP 8 – The designated Trust Global Marshall Service shall monitor and manage the project implementation together with the respective Government Agency assigned until the project completion.


(a) STEP 1 – Tribal Company/Cooperative is required to send Letter of Request for Funding (LORF) address to the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777, indicating the: (1) Notional amount of the funding required, (2) Customer Information Sheet (CIS) of the Tribal Company/Cooperative indicating the Bank Account Details, (3) Project Feasibility of the Tribal Company/Cooperative with its corresponding justifications indicating a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of the Project, (If the Project has a negative NPV but has a positive social, economic and environmental impact to the people, the Trust will provide Viability Gap Funding and/or Guarantee), (4) Profile of the Project Beneficiary (if the Proposed Project is intended for poverty alleviation with positive social and economy impact to the beneficiary, the Project is funded even if it has negative NPV);

(b) STEP 2 – King Solomon United Tribal Republic Trust or the (“Trust”) will evaluate the LORF and if found viable or justifiable, the Trust will notify the Tribal Company/Cooperative via the Trust Decree approving the Project with the said Trust Decree will be publish in this website;

(c) STEP 3 – The Trust will issue International Commercial Draft (ICD) and/or any Security Instruments indicating the National Amount of the Financing Package under the name of the Tribal Company/Cooperative;

(d) STEP 4 – The Multilateral Institution is required to deposit the ICD and/or any Security Instruments to the United States Treasury (UST);

(e) STEP 5 – The United States Treasury is required to issue a US Treasury Bond (USTB) equivalent to the Notional Amount of the ICD and/or Any Commercial/Negotiable Instruments (“Security Instrument”) which shall be chargeable, offset and debited from the Trust assets/funds of the Umbrella Code of the World, Asset Access Reserve “Security Code 5020” / AO-777. The ICD and/or any Security Instruments shall be held in the UST Treasury as Trust Deposit that will earn Four Percent (4%) per annum provided that:

     (e.1) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the US Treasury as Fees to the US Treasury;

     (e.2) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Servicing Commercial Bank for trading/monetizing the USTB;

     (e.3) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777;

     (e.4) Seventy Percent (70%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Central Bank.

(f) STEP 6 – The United States Treasury is required to deposit the USTB in any Servicing Commercial Bank with strict instructions to credit cash and/or electronic money of the following:

     (f.1) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the US Treasury as Fees to the US Treasury;

     (f.2) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Servicing Commercial Bank for trading/monetizing the USTB;

     (f.3) Ten Percent (10%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Principal Trustee/Successor Trustee of Code TVM-LSM-666/C3-AM-01/AAA-777;

    (f.4) Seventy Percent (70%) shall be credited to the Bank Account of the Multilateral Institution or any of the 10,173 Commercial Banks worldwide for disbursement for the Project.

(g) STEP 7 – The Trust will issue an irrevocable instruction to the Central Bank
of the country where the Tribal Company/Cooperative is domiciled, authorizing the Central Bank to print local currency equivalent to the 70% value of the ICD and/or IBOE;

(h) STEP 8 – The Central Bank shall disburse the said equivalent local currency equivalent to the 70% value of the ICD and/or any Security Instruments to the Servicing Commercial Bank of the Tribal Company/Cooperative for disbursement to the Government Project; and

(i) STEP 9 – The designated Trust Global Marshall Service shall monitor and manage the project implementation together with the respective Tribal
Caompany/Cooperative assigned until the project completion.